SCreenwriting and Scripts

“My three Ps: passion, patience, and perseverance. You have to do this if you've got to be a filmmaker.”

- Robert Wise


Title Page

Burning Boy

Opening Credit Sequence

Page 1

Burning Boy

Image of a film screenplay, "Burning Boy."

Opening credit sequence

Page 2

Burning Boy

Eating Healthy

A script for Healthwise

Eating Healthy Transcript


Starting to eat healthy at home can feel like it’s too difficult.

You might not want to try because you imagine that learning to cook means being trapped with complicated cookbooks, and you don’t even really like to do it.

But it can be fun, inexpensive, and easy to build a meal that you’ll love to eat!

And the best part is that you don’t need a recipe.

Your meals become something you create out of the foods that you like.

Healthy, easy, delicious, and unique to you!

Let’s get started.

First, think of your plate as having four parts.

Healthy grains take up the first part.

Healthy grains are foods like oatmeal, whole grain tortillas, and brown rice.

What do you like?

Choose one for your plate.

Next, vegetables and fruit take up two parts of your plate.

These can be fresh, frozen, or canned.

It is fun to think about the different colors and textures.

Using a variety of these can give you some essential nutrients that your body needs.

What do you like?

Choose two servings for your plate.

Then, pick a protein.

Proteins come in many different forms, including meats, plants, and legumes.

Think about adding lean meat like poultry or fish, beans, peas, lentils, tofu, nuts, seeds, or eggs.

Choose one for your plate.

Finally, add flavor with herbs, spices, and sauces.

These punch up your meals and make them more satisfying.

Add them while cooking vegetables or proteins, or sprinkle them on top before serving. Use what you have and love.

Now that you know where to begin, it’s time to have fun building your meal and enjoy eating healthy.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Video Transcript

The sinuses are spaces in the head that are connected by pathways.

Sinuses make mucus that drains through the nose. This keeps the nose clean by removing harmful bacteria.

Sinusitis is the swelling that can occur in the sinuses. It can be helped by surgery.

Doctors often choose endoscopic sinus surgery to help with sinusitis. This happens after medicine fails to stop the swelling.

It removes small bits of bone or other things that can block the sinuses.

To do this, the doctor puts a lighted tube, called an endoscope, into your nose.

This helps the doctor see your sinuses.

Then the doctor puts special tools inside the scope, which are used to remove whatever is blocking your sinuses.

Most people go home a few hours after surgery.

You can probably return to work in about one week and go back to a normal routine in about three weeks.

Your doctor may use an endoscope again to see how well it is healing and to remove scar tissue or clean your sinuses.

To prepare for surgery, tell your doctor about all the medicines and natural health products you take, especially blood thinners, like aspirin.

Some can raise the risk of bleeding or cause problems with anesthesia.

Your doctor will tell you which medicines to take or stop before surgery.

And follow your doctor’s directions for preparing for surgery, including when you should stop eating and drinking.

Bring your photo ID, insurance card, and any paperwork your hospital may have asked for.

Be sure to have someone there with you to take you home.

Preparing for endoscopic surgery may be stressful.

But knowing what to expect and how to prepare can help.

And if you have any questions or concerns, you can always call your doctor.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Video Transcript

Page two.

Act One

No Good Deeds (Comedy)


In order of appearance:

  •  Ernest: Roy’s dad, a ghost whose job is to help Roy do good deeds. 

  • Roy: The bumbling son of Ernest. He tries his best to do good deeds but always bungles them up. 

  • Steffi: Roy’s best friend.

  • Jeffery: Steffi’s episodic love interest. 

  • George Clooney: Steffi’s dog.

Act One

No Good Deeds

Act Two

No Good Deeds

Act Two

No Good Deeds

Act Two (Happy to send the full script as a sample).

No Good Deeds


Content, Copy, SEO, and Social Writing


Fiction/Non-Fiction: Novel, Self-Help, Short-Stories, Poetry, and Prose.